This listing of works related to The Italy-to-The-USA Avventura is an elaboration of the bibliography reproduced from Mangione, Jerre & Morreale, Ben, (1992), La Storia: Five Centuries of the Italian American Experience. Ben Morreale graciously gave permission to reproduce this bibliography so that it could be posted on the World Wide Web for scholarly uses. Items followed by four asterisks (****) are adapted from AIHA Newsletter, the newsletter of the American-Italian Historical Association.
    Anyone who detects a needed correction should notify the co-manager of this website . Anyone wishing to add a reference to this list may send an electronic copy of the suggested reference to the co-manager of this web site. Messages may be sent by clicking on name and e-mail address, below.

Though a reader might find it useful to have annotations on each of the entries in this bibliography, the addition of annotations would require an immense amount of labor.  A reader might find it useful to search one of the massive data bases, e.,g., Amazon, or Bookfinder
to get further information on a particular entry.

James C. Mancuso

Another excellent bibliography of literature related to Italian- American life and heritage is maintained on the World Wide Web by the Department of Italian-American Studies of State University of New York -  Stoney Brook.  One may access this bibliography by clicking on the URL address below: 


Jump to Authors; Last name starting with: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O  P R T U V W YZ
Jump to Novels, Short Stories, Plays and Poetry

Abba, Giuseppe Cesare. The Diary of One of Garibaldi's Thousand. London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1962.

Abbot, Edith. The Tenements of Chicago, 1908-1935. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1936.

Abbott, Grace. The Immigrant and the Community. New York: Century, 1917.

_____ Immigration Problems in Massachusetts; Report of the Commission on Immigration. Boston: Wright & Potter, 1914.

Abruzzi, G. G. Leonardo Sciascia e la Sicilia. Rome: Bulzoni, 1974.

Acocella, Joan. My Ex-husband and the Fish Dinner . New Yorker, 12/11/95, Vol 71, Issue 40, p120.

Acton, Harold. The Bourbons of Naples (1734-1825). London: Methuen, 1956.

_____ The Last Bourbons of Naples (1825-1861). London: Methuen, 1961.

Adamic, Louis. Dynamite, The Story of Class Violence in America. Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1960.

_____A Nation of Nations. New York: Harper, 1944.

Adams, Graham, Jr. Age of Industrial Violence 1910-15. New York: Columbia University Press, 1966.

Addams, Jane. Democracy and Social Ethics. New York: Macmillan, 1920.

_____ The Second Twenty Years at Hull House: 1909-1929. New York: Macmillan,


_____The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets. New York: Macmillan, 1909,

_____ Twenty Years of Hull House. New York: New American Library, 1961.

Age of Industrial Violence: Activities and Findings of the U. S. Commisssion on Industrial Relations. New York: Columbia University Press, 1966.

Agliano, Sebastiano. Questa Sicilia, Venice: Corbo c Fiore, 1982,

Ahmed, Aziz. Islamic Surveys.Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1975. Alba, Richard. Italian Americans into the Twilight of Ethnicity. Englewood, N.J.:Prentice-Hall, 1985.

Albanese, Jay. Organized Crime in America. Anderson Publishing Co., 1989.

_____ Contemporary Issues in Organized Crime . Willow Trees Press, 1995.

Albini, J. The American Mafia.New York: 1971.

Aleandri, Emelise. "The Origins of Italian-American Theatre in New York CityDuring the 19th Century, 1871-1900." Master's thesis, New York: Hunter College, 1975.

______ The Italian-American Immigrant Theatre of New York City _ Images of America Series. Dover, NH: Arcadia Publishing [Chalford Publishing Corporation], 1999.

______ Chapters in The Italian-American Experience: An Encyclopedia. Levittown, Pa.: Garland Publishing, l998.
          Eduardo Migliaccio (Farfariello)
          Alessandro Sisca (Riccardo Cordiferro)
          Antonietta Pisanelli Alessandro
          Italian-American Theatre.

______ Italian-American Theatre. In Il Sogno Italo-Americano; Naples: Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa, 1996

______ Italian_American Theatre in New York City. In Ethnic Theatre in the United States. Maxine Schwartz Seller, Ed. Westport, Conn.:Greenwood Press, 1983

______ Little Italy at the Turn of the Century. Little Italy Souvenir Book: New York, l981

______ The Italian_American Immigrant Theatre of New York City _ Images of AmericaSeries . Dover, NH: Arcadia Publishing [Chalford Publishing Corporation], 1999.

______Chapters in Entries in The Italian_American Experience: An Encyclopedia. Levittown, Pa.: Garland Publishing, l998.
          Eduardo Migliaccio (Farfariello)
          Alessandro Sisca (Riccardo Cordiferro)
          Antonietta Pisanelli Alessandro
          Italian-American Theatre.

______Italian-American Theatre. In Il Sogno Italo_Americano; Naples: Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa, 1996

______ Italian-American Theatre in New York City. In Ethnic Theatre in the United States. Maxine Schwartz Seller, Ed. Westport, Conn.:Greenwood Press, 1983

______ Little Italy at the Turn of the Century. Little Italy Souvenir Book New York, l981

Alessi, Biaji. Naro: Guide Storica e Artistica; Edizion: Centro Culturale "L. Pirandello." Agrigento-Palermo: Centro Culturale, 1976.

Alfonsi, Ferdinando. Joseph Picone, un siciliano d'America. Palermo: ILA Palma,

_____ Poeti italo-americani e italo-canadesi. Italo-American and
Italo-Canadian Poets.  Catanzaro:  Carello Editore, 1994.

_____ Di libro in libro. Catanzaro: Carello Editore, 1993.

_____ Poesia italo-americana / Italo-American Poetry. Saggi e testi
/ Essays and Texts. Catanzaro: Carello Editore, 1991.

_____ Dictionary of Italo-American Poets. New York: Peter Lang
Publishing, 1989.

_____ Poeti italo-americani / Italo-American Poets. Antologia
bilingue / Bilingual Anthology. Catanzaro: Carello Editore, 1985.

_____ Incontri: Italo-americani di successo. Catanzaro:Carello
Editore, 1983.

Allen, Maury.  Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio? The Story of America's Last Hero .  New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1975.  First Edition.  Boards, 222pp.

Allport, Gordon. The Nature of Prejudice. New York: Doubleday Anchor, 1958.

Allswang, J.M. The Political Behavior of Chicago's Ethnic Groups, New York: Arno Press.

Altieri, James. The Spearheaders. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1960. First edition. Cloth, 318pp.

Arnari, M. Storia dei Musulmani di Sicilia. Catania: Prampolini, 1935.

Amato, Joseph. Mirrors of Ourselves, Minnesota: Marshall, Amati Venti, 1880.

American Italian HistoricalAssociation. An inquiry into Organized Crime.October 1970

Amfitheatrof, Erik, The Children of Columbus. Boston: Little Brown, 1973.

Andreozzi, John. Guide to the Records of Sons of 1taly of America. Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota, 1989.

Antonini, Luigi. Dynamic Democracy. New York: Eloquent Press, 1944.

Angle, Paul,Bloody Williamson; A Chapter in American Lawlessness. New York: Knopf, 1952.

Aquila, Richard.  Home Front Soldier: The Story of a GI and His Italian American Family During World War II .  Albany, New York:  State University of New York Press, 1999.  First Edition.  Boards, 280pp.

Ardizzone, Tony.  In the Garden of Papa Santuzzu . New York: Picador****

Areleo, Joseph. The Grand Street Collector. New York: Walker, 1970. Arlacchi, Pino. Mafia Business. London: Verso, 1983.

Arlacchi, Pino,Mafia Business: The Mafia Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism,
London: Verso,  1986

Armstrong, Louis. Swing That Music. London, N.Y.: Longmans Breen, 1936. Asbury, Herbert. Assimilation of the Italian Immigrant (The Italian American Experience). New York: The Free Press, 1958.

_____ The French Quarter,New York: Knopf, 1936.

_____ The Gangs of New York,Garden City: Knopf, 1927.

_____ Gem of the Prairie; An Informal History of the Chicago Underworld. New York: Century, 1917.

Ayres, Leonard P. Laggards in Our Schools. A Study of Retardation and Elimination in City School Systems. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1909.

Bacarella, Michael. Italactors: 101 Years of Italian Americans in U.S. Entertainment. Washington, D.C.: National Italian American Foundation, 2000. Inscribed and signed First Edition. Softcover, 276pp.

_____ Lincoln's Foreign Legion:  The 39th New York Infantry, the Garibaldi Guard .  Shippensburg, PA:  White Mane Publishing Co., 1996.  Inscribed autographed First Edition.  Cloth, 330pp.

Bach, Steven. Final Cut.New York: New American Library, 1985.

Balancio, P., and D. Fusaro. "The Italian American Clan." In American Italian Historical Association13, Annual Conference, 1980.

Balsamo, William, and George Carpozi, Jr.  Under the Clock: The Inside Story of the Mafia's First Hundred Years .  Far Hills, NJ: New Horizon Press, 1988.  Cloth, 400pp.

Banfield, Edward, The Moral Basis of a Backward Society. New York: The Free
Press, 1958.

Barolini, Helen, ed. The Dream Book, An Anthology of Writings by Italian American Women.New York: Schocken Books, 1985.

_____ Festa: Recipes and Recollections of Italian Holidays, Harcourt Brace. 1988.

_____ Chiaroscuro: Essays in Identity. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1999.

Barrese, Orazio. I Complici, Gli anni dell'Antimafia. Milan: Feltrinelli, 1973.

Barth, Frederik. Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. Boston. Little, Brown, 1969.

Barzini, Luigi. From Caesar to the Mafia. New York: The Library Press, 1971.

_____ The Italians. New York: Bantam Books, 1965.

_____ O America: When You and I Were Young. New York: Harper and Row, 1977.

Barziza, Decimus et Ultimus.  The Adventures of a Prisoner of War, 1863-1864.  Edited by R. Henderson Shuffler.  Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1964.  Cloth, 140pp.

Battaglia, G. G. La Revoluzione Sociale Siciliana, Palermo: David Malato, 1970.

Battistella, Graziano, ed. Italian Americans in the '80s. New York: Center for Migration Studies, 1989.

Baur, John. Joseph Stella.New York: Praeger, 1971.

Bayor, R.H, Neighbors in Conflict-The Irish, Germans, Jews, and Italians of New York City, 1929-1941. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978.

Bazan, Ernesto. 11 Passato Perpetuo: Fotografie de Ernesto Bazan con due saggi da Robert Viscusi e Jerre Mangione. Palermo: Edizione Novecento, 1985.

Belfiglio, Cavaliere. Italian Experience in Texas. Austin: Eakin Press, 1983.

Bell, D. The End of Ideology.New York, 1960.

Bell, R. M. Fate and Honor, Family and Village. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979.

Bernardi, Adria.  Houses With Names:  The Italian Immigrants of Highwood, Illinois .  Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1990.  First Edition.  Cloth, 274pp.

Belmonte, Peter L. Italian Americans in World War II. Voices of America Series. Chicago: Arcadia Publishing, 2001. This book tells the story of typical Italian American veterans by looking at the service of some fifty veterans. About 100 photos

Belmonte, Thomas. The Broken Fountain, New York: New York College University Press, 1979.

Benton, Barbara. Ellis Island: A Pictorial History. New York: Facts on File, 1985.

Bergan, Ronald.  Francis Ford Coppola - Close-Up. The Making of His Movies.  New York: Thunder's Mouth, 1998.****

Bergman, Frank, ed. Upstate Literature: Essays in Memory of Thomas F. O'Donnell. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press, 1985.

Bernardo, Stephanie. The Ethnic Almanac. Garden City: Doubleday, 198 1.

Berstein, I. Turbulent Years: A History of the American Worker 1933-1941. Boston:

Houghton Mifflin, 1969.

Berra, Yogi, and Tom Horton.  Yogi: It Ain't Over .   New York:  McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1989. First Edition.  Boards, 241pp.

Bezza, B., ed. Gli Italiani Fuori dItalia. Milan: Franco Angeli, 1983. Biagi, Ernest. Italian Name-Places in the United States. Philadelphia: 1970.

_____ The Italians of Philadelphia.New York. Carleton Press, 1967.

_____ The Purple Asten A History of the Order of the Sons of Italy in America. Veritas Press, 1961.

_____ Vol. II, The Italians of Philadelphia and Delaware County-

Biagi, Ernest L.  The Purple Aster: A History of the Order Sons of Italy in America .  Veritas Press, 1961.  Cloth, 270pp.

Bianco, Carla. The Two Rosetos.Bloomington. Indiana University Press, 1974.

Billington, R. A. America's Frontier Heritage. New York: Holt, Rinehart, 1966.

Bliss, Michael. Brian DePalma.Metuchen, NJ.: The Scarecrow Press, 1983. Block, Alan. East Side.Cardiff, Wales: University of Cardiff Press, 1980.

Blok, Anton. The Mafia of a Sicilian Village. New York: Harper & Row, 1975. Bodnar, John. The Ethnic Experience in Pennsylvania. Lewisburg, Penn.. Bucknell University Press, 1973.Bodnar, John E. The Ethnic Experience in Pennsylvania.  Lewisburg: Bucknell  University Press. 1973.

Bodnar, John E. The Ethnic Experience in Pennsylvania.  Lewisburg: Bucknell  University Press. 1973.

_____ Life of their Own: Blacks, Italians and Poles in Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1982.

_____ Workers' Word, Kinship Community, and Protest in an Industrial Society,
1900-1940. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982.

Boehlhower, William, Immigrant Autobiography in the U.S.: Four Versions of the Italian American Self. Verona, Italy: Essedue Edizioni, 1982.

Bohme, Frederick G. A History of Italians in New Mexico. New York: Arno Press,1975.

Bologna, Sando, and Richard M. Marano.  Growing Up Italian and American in Waterbury An Oral History.  Waterbury, CT: 1997.****

Bonadio, Felice A. Amadeo P. Giannini: Banker, Philanthropist, Entrepreneur. Washington, DC: The National Italian American Foundation, 1985. Cloth, 128+pp.

Bonanno, Joseph, with Sergio Lalli. A Man of Honor. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983.

Bonanno, Bill.  Bound by Honor.  A Mafioso's Story. New York: St. Martin's, 1999.****

Boniello, Rose Marie. ed. Preserving Our Italian Heritage. Florida: Sons of Italy Florida Foundation. 1991.

Boody, Bertha M. A.  Psychological Study of Immigrant Children at Ellis Island. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1926.

Borghi, Armando. Mussolini: Red and Black, New York: Freie Arbeiter Stimme, 1938.

Boscia-Mule, Patricia. Authentic Ethnicities.  The interaction of Ideology, Gender Power, and Class in the Italian-American Experience.  Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999.****

Bova, Juliana. "Eel for Christmas: An Italian Tradition." Pennsylvania Folklife,  39, no 2, Winter 1989-90, pp.82-85.

Bove, Susan Barber. The Early Italian Immigrants in Seneca Falls, New York (1884-1930). Canandaigua, N. Y.: W. F. Humphrey Press, 1983.

Boysen, Sue. Some Historical Highlights of the History of Pittsburgh. California: 1964.

Brace, Charles L. The Dangerous Class of New York. New York: 1872.

Brancati, Vitaliano. Bell'Antonio.Translated by Stanley Hochman. New York:

Ungar, 1978.

Brancato, Francesco. La Mafia. Cosenza: Pellegrini, 1986.

Brandenburg, Broughton. Imported Americans. New York: Frederick Stokes, 1903.

Braudel, Fernand. Capitalism and Material Life 1400-1800. Translated by Miriam Kochan. New York: Harper & Row, 1973.

_____ The Mediterranean.2 vols. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. Breckinridge, S. P. New Homefor Old. New York: Harper, 1921.

Breslin, Jimmy. The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight. New York: Viking, 1969

Briani, Vittoria. Italian Immigrants Abroad: A Bibliography on the Italian Experience Outside Italy in Europe, The Americas, Australia, and Africa. Detroit, Mich.: Blaine Ethridge, 1979.

Briggs, John. An Italian Passage: Immigrants to Three American Cities, 1880-1930 , New Haven: Yale University Press, 1978.

Brody, David, ed. The American Labor Movement. New York: Harper & Row, 1971, Brown, J., W. Roucek, and S. Slabey, eds. Our Racial and National Minorities: Their History, Contributions, and Present Problems. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1937.

Brown, Kenny L. The Italians in Oklahoma. Norman, Ok.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980.

Browning, Frank, and John Gerassi. The American Way of Crime. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1980.

Brownstone, David M., et al. Island of Hope, Island of Tears. New York: Rawson, Wade, 1979.

Bruhn, John G., and Stewart Wolf. The Roseto Story: An Anatomy of Health, Norman, Ok..- Oklahoma University Press, 1979.

Brown, Linda Keller and Kay Mussell, eds. Ethnic and Regional Foodways in the United States: The Performance of Group Identity.  Knoxville: U of Tennessee Press. 1984.

Budish, J. M., and B. Soule. The New Unionism in the Clothing Industry. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920.

Burattini, Roberto. Italians and Italo Americans in Vermont. Barre, Vermont: 1931.

Busk, R. H. The Folk Songs of Italy. London: Swan, Sonnensschein, Lowrey and Co. 1887.

Butcher, Philip. The Ethnic Image in Modern American Literature. 1 900-1 950, 2 vols. Washington, D.C.: Howard University Press, 1984.

Butta, Giuseppe. Un Viaggio Da Boccadifalco A Gaeta: Memorie della revoluzione dal 1860 al 1861.Milan: Bompiani, 1985.

Cahn, William. Lawrence 1912: The Bread & Roses Strike. New York: The Pilgrim Press, 1954.

Caico, L. Sicilian Ways and Days. New York: Appleton, 1910.

Candelaro, Dominic. Images of America: Italians in Chicago.  Charleston, NC: Arcadia Publishers. 1999, (Photbook).

Callow, Alex, ed. The City Boss in America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1976.

_____ The Tweed Ring. London: Oxford University Press, 1965.

Cappello, Mary.  Night Bloom: A Memoir.  Boston: Beacon, 1998.****

Calvino, John. The Selected Letters of John Ciardi. Edited by E. M. Cifelli. Fayetteville, Ark.: University of Arkansas Press, 1991.

Cammett, John, ed. The Italian American Novel. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference ALHA. New York, October 1969.

Campanella, Roy.  It's Good to be Alive.  Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1959.  First Edition. Cloth, ex-Hollis Public Library, Oklahoma, 306pp.

Candida, Renato. Questa Mafia.Caltinisetta: Salvatore Sciascia, 1956.

Cantor and Laurie. Class, Sex, and the Woman Worker. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1977.

Canziani, E. Through the Apennines and the Lands of the Abruzzi. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1928.

Capitini, Aldo. Antifascismo Tra I Giovani. Trapani: Celebes, 1966.

_____ Religione Aperta. Pisa: Ugo Guanda, 1955.

Cappon, Paul. Conflict entre les Neo-Canadiens et les francophones de Montreal. Quebec: Les Presses de l'Universitd Lavai, 1974.

Capra, Frank. The Name Above the Title. New York: Bantam, 1972.

Capuzzi, Octavia. A Cup of the Sun. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1961.

Caraccilo, Dominic. The Ready Brigade of the 82nd Airborne in Desert Storm. McFarland, 1993. 213pp. (see Scholar. s Bookshelf)

Caracciolo, Alberto. L'Inchiesta Agraria Jacini. Torino: Giulio Einaudi, 1958.

Carini, Mario A. and Goodrich, Austin. Milwaukee's Italians: The Early Years. Milwaukee, WI: Italian Community Center of Milwaukee, 1999.

Carlson, Peter. Roughneck, The Life & Times of Big Bill Haywood. New York: W. W. Norton, 1983.

Carnevali, Emanuel. The Autobiography of Emanuel Carnevali. Compiled by Kay Boyle. New York: Horizon Press, 1987.

Caroli, Betty. Italian Repatriation from the United States, 1900-1914. New York: Center for Migration Studies, 1973.

Caruso, Bruno. Sicilia. Palermo: S. F. Flaccovia, 1974.

Caso, A. Mass Media vs. the Italian Americans. Boston: Branden Press, 1980.

_____ They Too Made America Great. Boston: Branden Press, 1978. Cloth, 175pp. Short biographies of fifty great Italian Americans.

Caso, Vincent A. The OneHundredth Anniversary of the Arrival of Giuseppe Garibaldi in New York in Exile from 1850 to 1853. New York: New American Publishing, 1950.

Casso, Evans J. Staying in Step: A Continuing Italian Renaissance. New Orleans: Quariga Press, 1984.

Cataneo, David.  Tony C: The Triumph and Tragedy of Tony Conigliaro.  Introduction by Linda Householder, foreword by Bill Conigliaro.  Nashville, TN:  Rutledge Hill Press, 1997.  First Edition, boards, 268pp.

Catanzaro, Raimondo.  Men of Respect - A social History of the Sicilian Mafia. Free Press. NY: 1988

Cateura, Linda B. Growing Up Italian. New York: William Morrow, 1987.

Cautela, Giuseppe. "The Italian Theater in New York." American Mercury 12 no. 45 (Sept. 1927), 106-112.

Cavigli, Henry J. Escapades in the Blue. New York: Vantage Press, 1996. First Edition. Cloth, 208pp.

Cavaioli, Frank J., and Salvatore J. LaGumina. The Peripheral Americans. Malabar, Fl.: Robert E. Krieger, 1984.

Center for Migration Studies.   Images: A Pictorial History of Italian Americans .  Staten Island, NY: Center for Migration Studies, 1986.  Second Edition.  Cloth, 255pp.

Cerase, F. L'Emigrazione Di Ritorno. Rome: University di Roma, 1971.

Cerrone, Catherine. "An Aura of Toughness, Too:" Italian Immigration to Pittsburgh and Vicinity. Pennsylvania Folklife,  1  (Autumn 1995) 37-42.

Chambliss, William. On the Take -- From Petty Crooks to Presidents.  Indiana University Press, 1988.

Chandler, Bernard S., and Julius A. Molinaro, eds. The Culture of Italy: Mediaeval to Modern.Toronto: Griffin House, 1979.

Chandler, Billy Jaynes. King of the Mountain: The Life and Death of Giuliano the Bandit. Dekalb, M.: Northern Minois University Press, 1988.

Chapin, Robert C. The Standard of Living Among Workingmen's Families in N.Y. City. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1909.

Chapman, Charlotte. Milocca-A Sicilian Village. Cambridge: Schenkman, 1971.

Chetwood, John. Immigration Fallacies. Boston: Arena Publishing Co., 1896.

Chesnais, J.C. Histoire de la Violence Lafont. Paris: Robert Laffont, 1981.

Child, Irving. Italian or American? The Second Generation in Conflict, New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1943.

Chotzinoff, Samuel.  Toscanini: An Intimate Portrait.  New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1956.  Boards, 148pp.

Churchill, Charles W. The Italians in Newark. New York: Arno Press, 1975.

Ciardi, John. The Selected Letters of John Ciardi. Edited by E. M. Cifelli. Fayetteville, Ark.: University of Arkansas Press, 1991.

Ciardi, John.  Saipan, The War Diary of John Ciardi.  Introduction by Edward M. Cifelli.  Fayetteville: The University of Arkansas Press, 1988.  Cloth, 131pp.

Cifelli, Edward M. John Ciardi: A Biography. Fayetteville, AK: University of Arkansas Press, 1998.

Cinel, Dino. From Italy to San Francisco, the Immigrant Experience. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1982.

Ciresi, Rita.  Pink Slip.  New York: Delacorte, ****

Ciuffoletti, Zeffiro. LEmigratione Nella Storia DItaliani, 1868-1975. Florence: Val lecrhi. 1979.

Claghorn, Kate H. The Immigrants Day in Court. New York: Harper, 1923.

Clark, Ramsey. Crime in America.New York: Simon & Schuster, 1970.

Clivio, Gianrenzo P. The Development of the Italian Language and its Dialects in The Culture of Italy. Toronto: Griffin House, 1979.

Cocchiara, Giuseppe. Storia del Folklore in Italia. Palermo: Sellerio Editoric, 1981.

Cohen, David S., ed. America the Dream of My Life: Selections from the Federal Writers'Project's N.J. Ethnic Survey. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1990.

Cohen, Mickey. In My Own Words. Englewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice Hall, 1975.

Cohen, Stanley. A. Mitchell Palmer: Politician. New York: Columbia University Press, 1963.

Cahn, William. Lawrence, 1912: The Bread & Roses Strike. Introduction by Paul Cowan. New York: The Pilgrim Press, 1980. Paperback , 240pp.

Colaianni, N. I non Desiderabili.Rome: 1909,

_____ La Criminalita Degli Italiani Negli State Uniti, 1909,

Colburn, D. R., and G. E. Pozzetta, eds. America and the New Ethnicity. Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1979.

Cole, D. B. Immigrant City.Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1963.

Colletta, John Philip. Finding Italian Roots: The Complete Guide for Americans. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1993. Paperback, 128pp.

Colombo, Furio M. "Immigrant Women in Industry." Ph.D. diss., New York University, 1979.

Commission for Social Justice, Grand Lodge of New York, Order Sons of Italy in America. Italian-American Recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor. Undated booklet.

Commons, John R. Races and Immigrants in America. New York: Macmillan, 1920.

Conigliaro, Tony, and Jack Zanger. Seeing it Through:  The Story of a Comeback.  New York: The Macmillan Company, 1970.  First Edition, first printing. Cloth, 238pp.

Connable, A., and E. Silberfarb. Tigers of Tammany: Nine Men Who Ran New York. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967.

Connell, Evan S. Son of the Morning Star. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1984.

Consolo, Vincenzo. Le Sourire.Paris: Bernard Grasset, 1980.

Cont, Gaetano. Dieci Anni in America; Impressioni e Ricordi. Palermo: G. Spinnato, 1903.

Cordasco, Francesco, ed. Dictionary of American Immigration History.  Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1990. ****

_____  The Italian American Experience. New York: Arno Press, 1975.

_____  Studies in Italian Social History: Essays in Honor of Leonard Covello. West New York, NJ: Edna Vaughn Publishing Group.

_____ Italian Mass Emigration: A Bibliographical Guide to the Bolletino Dell Emigrazione, 1902-1927. Totowa, NJ.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1980.

_____ The Italians: Social Backgrounds of an American Group. Clifton, NJ.: A. A4. Kelly, 1974.

_____ Italians in the City: Health and Related Social Needs. New York: Arno Press, 1975.

_____ Italians in the U.S.A.: Repository of Rare Tracts and Miscellanea. New York: Arno Press, 1975.

_____ Protestant Evangelism Among Italians in America. New York: Arno Press, 1975.

____ La Societa Italiana di Fronte alle Prime Migrazioni di Massa. New York: Arno Press, 1975.

Cordasco, Francesco, and E. Bucchioni. Immigrant Children In American Schools. New York: Arno Press, 1976.

Cordasco, Francesco and Michael V. Cordasco.  Italians in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography of Doctoral Disssertations Completed at American Universities. West New York, NJ: Edna Vaughn Publishing Group, 1998.

Cornelisen, Ann. Torregreca.Boston: Little Brown, 1969.

_____ Women in the Shadows.Boston: Little Brown, 1976.

Correnti, S. Leggende di Sicilia. Milan: Longaneri, 1975.

Corsi, Edward. In the Shadow of Liberty. New York: Arno Press, 1969.

Corte, Robert.  They Made it in America: A Celebration of the Achievements of Great Italian Americans.  New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1993.  First Edition.  Cloth, 188pp.

Cortez, Carlos E.  The Columbus People; The Hollywood Curriculum Italian Americans: Evolution of an Icon of Ethnicity. New York: Center for Migration Studies., 1994.

Corvo, Max.  The O.S.S. in Italy, 1942-1945:  A Personal Memoir.  New York:  Praeger, 1990. First Edition. Cloth, 324pp.

Coulter, Charles W. The Italians in Cleveland. Cleveland,Ohio: Cleveland Americanization Committee, 1919.

Covello, L., with Guido D'Agostino. The Heart is the Teacher. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1958

Crawford, F. M. The Rulers of the South. London: Macmillan, 1900.

Cresci, Paolo, and Giuseppe Guidobaldi, eds. Partono i Bastamenti. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1980.

Cressey, Donald. Theft of the Nation. New York: Harper & Row, 1969.

Crispano, James A. The Assimilation of Ethnic Groups: The Italian Case. Staten Island, N.Y.: Center for Migration Studies, 1980.

Croce, Benedetto, A History of Italy, 1871-1915. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1929.

_____ History of the Kingdom of Naples. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970.

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Grashio, Col. Samuel C., USAF (Ret.), and Bernard Norling. Return to Freedom. Tulsa, OK: MCN Press, 1982. Grashio, whose parents came to the U.S. from Calabria, was an Army Air Forces pilot who was on the Bataan Death March and was part of the only successful escape from a Japanese prisoner of war camp.

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Guenther, Anthony L., ed. Criminal Behavior and Social Systems: Contributions of American Sociology.Chicago: Rand McNally, 1971.

Guida, George.  The Conflicts of Ethnicity: The (Un)making of Americans in Italian American Narrative (Rocco Corresca, Francesco Ventresca John Fante, Impresa, Ripresa).  Diss.  City University of New York, 1998.  Ann Arbor: UMI, 1998.  AAT9908319.****

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Hare, Augustus. Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily. New York: Routledge & Sons, 1947.

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Hitti, Philip. History of the Arabs. London: Macmillan, 1956.

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Ianni, F.A. Black Mafia: Ethnic Succession in Organized Crime. New York: 1974.

Ianni, Francis, with Elizabeth Reuss-Ianni, A Family Business: Kinship and Social Control in Organized Crime. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1972.

Ianni, Francis, and Elizabeth Reuss-Ianni, eds, The Crime Society. New York: New American Library, 1976.

Icardi, Aldo. American Master Spy. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:  Stalwart Enterprises, Inc., 1954.

Imparato, Colonel Edward T., USAF, Ret. Rescue From Shangri-La. Paducah, KY: Turner Publishing Co., 1997. This memoir documents Imparato. s involvement in the spectacular rescue of servicemen from the wild New Guinea jungle in the summer of 1945.

_____ MacArthur: Melbourne to Tokyo. Shippensburg, PA: White Mane Publishing Co., 1997. This memoir documents Imparato. s selection to fly an important peace delegation mission to Tokyo at the war. s end.

_____  374th Troop Carrier Group, 1942-1945. Paducah, KY: Turner Publishing Co., 1998. Imparato was the Group commander for part of the war.

International Migration Review (journal). Staten Island, N.Y.: Center for Migration Studies. Vol. 4, Fall 1969, #IO (Immigration in Canada); Vol. 8, Spring 1974 #25@ Vol. 8, Summer 1974, #26 (Policy and Research on Migration Canada & World Perspectives).

Iorizzo, Luciano, ed, An Inquiry Into Organized Crime. Staten Island, N.Y.: The Italian American Historical Association, 1970.

_____ Italian Immigration and the Impact of the Padrone System. New York: Arno Press, 1980.

_____ Luciano J., and Salvatore Mondello.  The Italian-Americans.  The Immigrant Heritage of America series, Cecyle S. Neidle, editor.  New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1971.  Cloth, 273pp.

Ingrisano, Michael N., Jr. Valor Without Arms: A History of the 316th Troop Carrier Group, 1942-1945. Bennington, VT: Merriam Press, 2001. Ingrisano was a C-47 radio operator assigned to the unit during World War II. He uses his own letters home as a backdrop to tell certain aspects of his Group. s history.

Italian Americana (journal). Vol. 1, No. 1, Autumn 1974, Vol. 1, No. 2, Spring 1975; Vol. 2, No. 1, Autumn 1975,- Vol. 2, No. 2, Spring 1976; Vol. 3, No. 2, Spring-Summer 1977; Vol. 4, No. 1, Fall-Winter 1978.

Jackson, Brian. The Black Flag-The Strange Case of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. Boston: Routledge and Kegan, 1981.

Jackson, Giovanna. Leonardo Sciascia: 1956-1976. Ravenna: Longo Editore, 1981.

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Jaffe, Irma. Joseph Stella.Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1970.

Jaffe, Julien. Crusade Against Radicalism: New York During the Red Scare, 1914-1924. Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1972.

James, Marquis, and Bessie R. James.  Biography of a Bank:  The Story of Bank of America, NT & SA.  New York: Harper and Brothers, 1954.

Jay, Michael C.,, and A.C. Watts, eds. Literature and the Urban Experience. New Brunswick, NJ.: Rutgers University Press, 1981.

Jensen, Vernon H. Heritage of Conflict: Labor Relations in the Nonferrous Metals Industry up to 1930.New York: Greenwood Press, 1968.

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Johnson, Robert K. Francis Ford Coppola. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1977.

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Juliani, Richard N. Building Little Italy: Philadelphia's Italians Before Mass Migration. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998. Cloth, 398pp.

_____ ed.  The Family and Community Life of Italian Americans.  Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Italian Historical Association.  Staten Island, NY: The Italian American Historical Association, 1983.  Paperback, 191pp.

_____ Building Little Italy: Philadelphia. s Italians Before Mass Migration. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998. Cloth, 398pp.

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_____  W0P!: A Documentary History of Anti-Italian Discrimination (2nd Ed. Rev.)  Toronto: Guernica, 1998.****

_____, Frank J. Cavaioli, Salvatore Primeggia, and Joseph A. Varacalli.  The Italian American Experience: An Encyclopedia. New York : Garland, 1999.****

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_____ Naples '44. New York: Pantheon Books, 1978.

_____ The Sicilian Specialist.London: Collins, 1975.

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Lopreato, Joseph. Italian Americans, New York: B. F. Buck, 1905.

_____ Peasants No More. California: Chandler Press, 1967.

Lord, Eliot. The Italian in America. New York: B. F. Buck, 1905.

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Lowe, Alfonso. The Barrier and the Bridge. New York: W, W. Norton, 1972.

Lovoi, Joseph W. LISTEN& My Children. And Stay Free. New York: Vantage Press, Inc., 2000. This is the story of Lovoi. s internment in a German Prisoner of War camp.

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_____ Reunion in Sicily.New York: Columbia University Press, 1984.

_____ The World Around Danilo Dolci. New York: Harper & Row, 1968.

_____, and Ben Morreale.  La Storia:  Five Centuries of the Italian American Experience.  New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1992.  First Edition.  Cloth, 508pp.

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Maruggi, Edward Albert. Mushrooms, Sausage, and Wine: Life With an Immigrant Father. Pittsford, NY: Winston Publishing, 1997. First Edition. Paperback, 150pp.

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Mathias, Elizabeth, and R. Raspa. Italian Folktales in America. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1985.

Matulich, Loretta. A Cross Disciplinary Study of the European Immigrants, 1870-1925. New York: Arno Press, 1980.

Maxwell, Gavin. The Ten Pains of Death, London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1959.

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____ Rochester, The Quest for Quality. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University I Press, 1956,

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_____ A Documentary History of the Italian Americans. New York: Praeger, 1974.

Moramarco, Nick.  Missing in Action.  Santa Barbara, CA: Fithian Press, 1999.  Paperback, 143pp.

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Nam, Charles B. Nationality Groups and Social Stratification. New York: Arno Press, 1980.

Mustazza, Leonard, ed. Frank Sinatra and Popular Culture: Essays on an American Icon.  Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998.****

Namias, June. First Generation.Boston: Beacon Press, 1978.

Nardini, G. Che Bella Figura!: The Power of Performance in an Italian Ladies's Club in Chicago Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1999.

Nash, Jay Robert. Bloodletters and Badmen. New York: Evan & Co., 1973.

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Nelli, Humbert. Italians in Chicago 1880-1930: A Study in Ethnic Mobility. New York: Oxford University Press, 1973.

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_____ From Immigrants to Ethnics: the Italian Americans. New York. Oxford versity Press, 1983.

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Niell, Gary, and Carl Stone. The Italian Americans. Harrisburg, Penn.: Stackpole Books, 1976.

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Norton, Maj. Bruce H., USMC (Ret.), and M.Gy. Sgt. Len Maffioli, USMC (Ret.). Grown Gray in War: The Len Maffioli Story. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1997. 284 pp. Maffioli was a combat veteran of World War Two, Korea, and Vietnam. While this biography covers his entire life and service in all three wars, it concentrates upon his time as a P.O.W. of the Chinese Communists during the Korean War.

Norwich, John J. The Kingdom in the Sun. New York: Harper & Row, 1970.

Occhipinti, Maria. Una Donna di Ragusa. Milan: Feltrinelli, 1957.

Odencrantz, L. C. Italian Women in Industry. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1919.

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O. Grady, Scott. Return With Honor. O. Grady, a USAF F-16 pilot, was shot down in Bosnia and successfully evaded capture until his rescue. O. Grady. s maternal ancestors came from Italy.

O'Neil, William L., ed. Insights and Parallels: Problems and Issues ofAmerican Social History. Minneapolis, Minn.: Burgess Publishers, 1973.

O'Neil, G., and D. Lehr. The Underboss. New York: St. Martin's Press 1989.

Orsi, R. The Madonna of 115th Street: Faith and Community in Italian Harlem, 1880-1950. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1988.

Pacifici, Sergio, A Guide to Contemporary Italian Literature. Cleveland: World Publishing, 1962.

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Palmer, R. The Age of Democratic Revolution. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1959.

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Panella, Vincent. The Other Side: Growing up Italian in America. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1979.

Panetta, George. We Ride a White Donkey. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1944.

Pantaleone, Michele. The Mafia and Politics. London: Chatto and Windus, 1966.

Pannunzio, Constantine M. The Deportation Cases of 1919-1920. New York: Cornmission on the Church and Social Service, 1921.

_____ Immigration Crossroads.New York: Macmillan, 1927.

Paolicelli, P. Dances with Luigi. New York: St.Martins Press, (2000).

Paolucci, Ann. Pirandello's Theater, The Recovery of the Modern State for Dramatic Art. Carbondale, Ill.: South Illinois University Press, 1974.

_____ Problems in National Literary Identity and Writers as a Critic. Bergenfield, NJ.: Griffon House, 1980.

Parenti, Michael J. Ethnic and Political Attitudes. New York: Arno Press, 1975.

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Parmet, Robert D. Labor and Immigration in Industrial America. Boston: Twayne, 1981.

Parrillo, V. N. Strangers to These Shores: Race and Ethnic Relations in the U.S. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1980.

Paterno, Joe, with Bernard Asbell. Paterno: By the Book. New York: Random House, 1989. First Edition. Boards, 287pp.

Paterno, Joe. Football My Way. New York: Collins Books, 1971.

Patri, Angelo. A Schoolmaster of the Great City. New York: Macmillan, 1923.

Pave, Remegio, ed. Italian Americans in the Professions. Staten Island: Italian American Historical Association, 1983.

Pellegrini, Angelo. American Dream. San Francisco- North Point Press, 1986.

_____ The Food Lover's Garden. Seattle: Madrona Publishers, 1970.

_____ Wine and the Good Life.  New York: Knopf, 1965.

_____ Americans by Choice.New York: Macmillan, 1956.

_____ Immigrants Return.New York: Macmillan, 1951.

_____ The unprejudiced palate. New York: Lyons & Burford 1984, First published in 1948.

Peragallo, Olga. Italian American Authors and Their Contribution to American Literature. New York: S. F. Vanni, 1949.

Perilli, Giovanni. Colorado and the Italians in Colorado. Denver: smithBrooks, 1922.

Peroni, Peter A. 11. The Burg: An Italian American Community at Bay in Trenton (N..7.) Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1976.

Perretta, Armando. Take a Number. New York: William Morrow, 1957.

Perri, Francesco. Emigranti.Milan: Mondadori, 1929.

Petacco, Arrigo. L'Anarchico Che Venne Dall'America. Verona: Mondadori, 1974.

_____ Joe Petrosino. New York: Macmillan, 1972.

Peterson, Virgil. The Mob.Ottawa, Ill.: Green Hill, 1983.

Phillips, Kyle. La Vigilia Napoletana.

Picardo, Eddie.  Tales of a Tail Gunner:  A Memoir of Seattle and World War II.  Seattle, WA:  Hara Publishing, 1996. 

Pierce, Bessie Louise. A History of Chicago. New York: Knopf, 1957.

Pileggi, N. Wiseguy. New York: Pocket Books, 1985.

Pilla, Eugenio. Giacomo Cusmano. Palermo: Boccone del Povero, 1978.

Pirandello, Ann Paolucci, ed. Review of National Literatures, New York: Griffon House Publications, 1987.

Pirenne, Jacques. Civilisations Antiques. Paris: Editions Albin Michel, 1951.

Pirro, Ugo. A Thousand Betrayals.New York: Trident Press, 1961.

Pisani, Lawrence Frank. The Italian in America: A Social Study and History. New York: Exposition Press, 1967.

Piston, J., and R. Woodley. Donnie Brasco. New York: New American Library, 1987.

Pitkin, Thomas M. The Black Hand: A Chapter in Ethnic Crime. West New York, NJ: Edna Vaughn Publishing Group. 1977.

_____ Keepers of the Gate.New York: New York University Press, 1975.

Pitre, Giuseppe. Bibliografia Delle Tradizioni Popolari DItalia. New York: Burt Franklin Reprints, 1974.

_____ Sicilian Folk Medicine.Translated by P.H. Williams. Lawrence, Kans.: Coronado Press, 1971.

_____ Usi e Costume, Credenze e Pregiudizi dei Popolo Siciliano. 2 vols. Rome: Casa Editore del Libro Italiano, 1885.

Portale, Alfred. "Of Sicilian Christmas Eves Past amd Future/ Dining In T he New York Times. Dec 16. 1998 F1, F6

Post, Louis F. The Deportation Delirium of the 1920s. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr, 1923.

Pozzetta, George, ed. Pane e Lavoro. New York: American Italian Historical Association, 1978.

Preston, William Jr. Aliens and Dissenters: Federal Suppression of Radicals, 1903-1933. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

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Pricer, Douglas. Foreward by General Richard Hearney, USMC (Ret.). The Last Plane Up. Orange, CA: Christopher Brown. Garza Industries, Inc., 2000. Third printing. Paperback. This book recounts the story of Dante Benedetti, USMCR, who was a Marine Corps pilot killed in action in October, 1942, off Guadalcanal.

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Wolfe, G., and J. Dimona. Frank Costello. New York: William Morrow, 1974.

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_____ Copper Camp Stories of the World's Greatest Mining Town, Butte, Montana. New York: Hastings House, 1943.

_____ Delaware: A Guide to the First State. New York: Viking Press, 1938,

_____ Illinois. Chicago: McClurg, 1939.

_____ The Italian Theater in San Francisco. San Francisco:1939

_____ Italians of New York.New York: Random House, 1939.,

_____ The Italians of Omaha.New York: Arno Press, 1975.

_____ Louisiana. New York: Hastings House, 1941.

_____ Maryland. New York: Oxford University Press, 1940.

_____ Massachusetts. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1937.

_____ Michigan. New York: Oxford University Press, 1941.

_____ New Jersey. Viking Press, 1939.

_____ New Orleans City Guide.Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1938, _____ New York. Oxford University Press, 1940.

_____ New York City. Random House, 1939.

_____ New York Panorama.New York: Random House, 1939.

_____ Pennsylvania. New York: Oxford University Press, 1940.

_____ Philadelphia. Philadelphia: William Penn Association, 1937,

_____ Rhode Island. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1937.

_____ San Francisco: The Bay and Its Cities. New York: Hastings House, 1940.

_____ Washington. Portland, Oreg.: Binford and Mort, 1941.

Yans-McLaughlin, Virginia. Family and Community -- Italian Immigrants in Buffalo, 1880-1930.  Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1971.

Yellen, S. American Labor Struggles 1877-1934. New York: Arno Press, 1969.

Yellowitz, Irwin. The Position of the Worker in American Society, 1865-1896. Englewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice-Hall, 1969.

Zeiger, Henry. The Jersey Mob. New York: Signet, 1975.

_____ Sam the Plumber. New York: Signet, 1970.

Ziegler, Benjamin Nunn. Immigration: An American Dilemma. Boston: D. C. Heath, 1953.

Zorbaugh, Harvey Warren. The Gold Coast and the Slum: A Sociological Study of Chicago's Near North Side. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1929.

Zucchi, John.  Italians in Toronto: Development of a National Identity, 1875-1935.  Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1988. Cloth, 255pp.


Alexander, Alfred, ed. Stories of Sicily. New York: Schocken Books, 1975.

Ardizzone, Tony. In the Garden of Papa Santuzzu. New York: Picador USA/St. Martin's Press, 1999.

_____ Taking it Home: Stories from the Neighborhood. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1996

_____ The Evening News. Athens, Ga: University of Georgia Press, 1986.

_____ Heart of the Order.New York: Henry Holt, 1986.

_____ In the Name of the Father. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1978,

Barolini, Helen. Umbertina.New York: Seaview, 1979.
       Reissued: Umbertina. Feminist Press, 1999.
Bonaviri, Giuseppe. 11 Fume di Pietra. Torino: Einaudi, 1964.

_____ I1 Sarto Della Stradalunga.Torino: Einaudi, 1954.

Calitri, Charles. Rickey.New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1952.

_____ Strike Heaven in the Face. New York: Crown, 1958.

_____ Father. New York: Crown, 1962.

Canzoneri, Robert. Barbed Wire and Other Stories. New York: Dial, 1970.

_____ A Highly Ramified Tree.New York: Viking Press, 1971.

_____ I Do So Politely. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1965.

_____ Men With Little Hammers.New York: Dial Press, 1969.

Caruso, Joseph. The Priest.New York: Macmillan, 1965.

Ciambelli, Bernardino. I Misteri di Mulberry. New York: Frugone & Ballierto' 1893.

Ciardi, J. Selected Poems.Fayetteville, Ark.: University of Arkansas Press, 1984.

Cifelli, Edward M. (ed. and compiler). The Collected Poems of John Ciardi. Fayetteville, Ark.: University of Arkansas Press, 1997.

Cuomo, George. Family Honor.Garden City: Doubleday, 1983,

D'Agostino, Guido. Olives on the Apple Tree. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, 1940.

D'Ambrosio, Richard. No Language But a Cry. New York: Doubleday, 1970.

D'Angelo, Lou. What the Ancients Said. New York: Doubleday, 1970.

D'Annunzio, Gabriele. The Dead City. Rendered into English by Prof. G. Mantellini. Chicago: Laird & Lee, 1902.

_____ Terra Vergine. Milan: Souzogno, 1904.

De Capite, Michael. Maria. New York: John Day, 1943.

_____ No Bright Banner. New York: John Day, 1944.

DeRosa, Tina. Paper Fish.Chicago: The Wine Press, 1980.

Di Donato, Pietro. Christ in Concrete. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1934.

_____ This Woman. New York: Ballantine Books, 1959.

_____ Three Circles of Light. New York: Ballantine, 1960.

Fante, John. Ask the Dust.Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, 1980.

_____ Dago Red. New York: Viking, 1940.

_____ Full of Life. Boston: Little Brown, 1952.

_____ Wait Until Spring Bandini.New York: Stockpole Sons, 1938.

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence. A Coney Island of the Mind. New York: New Directions,1958.

_____ Landscapes Of Living and Dying. New York: New Directions. 1979.

Fiorito, Joe. Comfort me with Apples: Considering the Pleasures of the Table. Montreal: NuAge Editions, 1994.

Fiorito, Joe. The Closer we are to Dying. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1999.

Fratti, Mario. Our Family, Toys (Two One-act Plays). Whitestone, N.Y.: Griffon House Publications, 1986.

Fumento, Rocco. Devil by the Tail. New York: Knopf, 1954.

_____ Tree of Dark Reflection.New York: Knopf, 1962.

Gambino, R. Bread and Roses.New York: Avon Books, 1982.

_____ Vendetta. New York: Doubleday, 1977.

Gillan, Maria Mazziotti and Gillan, Jennifer,  eds. Unsetling America: An Anthology of Contemporary Multicultural Poetry. New York: Viking /Penguin, 1994.

_____, Maria Mazziotti. Where I come from:  New and selected poems. Toronto, Canada and Buffalo, NY: Guernica Editions, 1995.

Giovannitti, Arturo. Collected Poems of Arturo Giovannitti. Salem, N.H.: Ayer Company Publishers, 1975.

Iannuzi, John. Sicilian Defense.New York: Signet, 1973,

Innaurato, A. Bizarre Behavior.New York: Avon Books, 1980.

Lampedusa, Giuseppe. The Leopard. New York: Pantheon, 1960.

_____ Two Stories and a Memory.New York: Pantheon, 1962.

Labozzetta, Marisa.  Stay with Me, Lelia.  Toronto: Guernica, 1999.****

Lapolla, Garibaldi. The Fire in the Flesh. New York: Vanguard Press, 1931.

LaPalma, Marina deBellagente. Persistence. Mendocino, CA: Diderot Press, 1994.

_____ The Grand Gennaro.New York: Vanguard Press, 1932.

_____ Miss Robins in Love.New York: Vanguard Press, 1932.

Lentricchia, Frank.  Edge of Night: A Confession. New York: Random House, 1994.

_____ Johnny Critelli/The Knife Men. New York: Scribner, 1996.

_____ The Music of the Inferno. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1999.

Malaparte, Curzio. The Skin.New York: Avon, 1952.

Mangione, Jerre. Night Search.New York: Crown, 1965.

_____ Ricerce nella notte.Palermo: Sellerio, 1987.

_____ The Ship and the Flame.New York: A. A. Wayne, 1948.

Mays, Lucinda. The Other Shore. New York: Atheneum, 1979.

Meltzer, Milton. Bread and Roses: The Struggle in American Labor, 1865-1915. New York:  Knopf, 1965.

Merullo, Roland.  Revere Beach Boulevard.  New York: Holt, 1998.****

Mirabelli,Eugene. The World at Noon. Toronto: Guernica, 1994.

_____ No Resting Place. New York: Viking Press, 1972.

_____ The Way in. New York:Viking Press, 1968.

_____ The Burning Air. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959.

Monroe, Harriet, and Corbino Henderson, eds. The New Poetry: An Anthology of 20th Century Verse in English. New York: Macmillan, 1937.

Morreale, Ben. A Few Virtuous Men. Montreal: Tundra, 1973.

_____ Monday, Tuesday, Never Come Sunday. Montreal: Tundra, 1977.

_____ The Seventh Saracen.New York: Coward McCann, 1958.

Napoli, Joseph. A Dying Cadence: Memories of a Sicilian Childhood. West Bethesda: Md.: Marna Press, 1986.

Pagano, Joe. The Condemned.New York: Prentice-Hall, 1947.

_____ The Golden Wedding.New York: Random House, 1943.

_____ The Paesanos. Boston: Little Brown, 1940.

Panetta, George. The Sea Beach Express. New York: Harper & Row, 1966.

Panunzio, Constantine. The Soul of an Immigrant. New York: Macmillan, 192 1.

Paolucci, Ann. Cipango! A One-Act Play in Three Scenes about Columbus. Whitestone, N.Y.: Griffon House, 1985.

_____ Eight Short Stories.Whitestone, N.Y.: Griffon House, 1977.

_____ Riding the Mast Where It Swings. Bergenfield, NJ.: Griffon House, 1980.

_____ Sepia Tones. Whitestone, N.Y.: Griffon House, 1985.

Papaleo, Joseph. All the Comforts. Boston: Little Brown, 1967.

_____ Out of Place. Boston: Little Brown, 1970.

_____ Picasso at 91 Poems.Harriman, N.Y.: Seaport Press, 1987.

Parini, Jay. The Patch Boys.New York: Henry Holt, 1986.

Pei, Mario. The Sparrows of Paris. New York: Philosophical Library, 1958.

_____ Swords of Anjou. New York: John Day, 1953.

Pellegrini, Angelo. Atti Unici; La  Giara; L'Imbecile; Lumie di Sicilia, Milan; Mondadori Eclitorie, 1942.

_____ L'Aube Nait de la Nuit traduit de L'Iialian par Jacquelin Herselin. Paris:Editions de la Paix, 1949.

Pirandello, Luigi. Fu Mathias Pascal. Paris: Rombaldi, 1969.

_____ I Vecchi e I Giovani.  Milan: Mondadore, 1975.

_____ Les Trois pensées de la petite bossue (Traduit de l'Italien par Jacquelin Herselin). Paris: Editions du Pré-aux-Clrecs, 1947.

_____ Liola: Cosi e (Se Vi Pare). Milan: Arnoldo Mandadori, 1957.

_____ Naked Masks: Five Plays.  Edited by Eric Bentley. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1958,

_____ Quand j'etais fou...., Vol. 2 (Traduit de I'Italien par Jacquelin Herselin).Paris: Les Editions Mondiales, 1950.

_____ Saggi a cura di Manlio Io Vecchio Musti. Milan: Arnaldo Mondadori Editore, 1939.

Puzo, Mario. The Dark Arena.New York: Fawcett, 1955.

_____ The Godfather. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1969.

_____ The Godfather Papers and other Cofessions. Greenwich, Conn.. Fawcett, 1973.

_____ Inside Las Vegas. New York. Charter Books, 1976.

_____ The Sicilian. New York: Linden Press, 1984.

Scammacca, Nat. Schammachanat. Trapani, Italy: Coop. Anti-Gruppa, 1985.

Sciascia, Leonardo. La Corda Pazza. Torino: Einaudi, 1970.

_____ The Day of the Owl.Boston: David Godine, 1964.

_____ Gli Zii di Sicilia.Torino: Einaudi, 1958.

_____ Il Mare Colore del Vino. Torino: Coralli, 1973.

_____ Il Teatro della Memoria.Torino: Einaudi, 198 1.

_____ Mafia Vendetta. Translated from the Italian by A. Colquhoun and A. Oliver. New York: Knopf, 1964.

_____ A Man's Blessing, New York: Harper & Row, 1968.

_____ La Parrocchie di Regalpetra.Bari: Laterza, 1956.

_____ Pirandella e la Sicilia.Rome: Scascia, 1961.

_____ Salt in the Wound. Followed by The Death of the Inquisitor. Translated by Judith Green. New York: The Orion Press, 1969.

_____ La Sicile Comme Metaphore,Paris: Stock, 1979.

Stiener, Edward. From Alien to Citizen. London: Flemming Revell and Co., 1916.

Tomasi, Mari. Deep Grow the Roots. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1940.

_____ Like Lesser Gods. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1949.

Tusiani, Joseph. Gente Mia and Other Poems. Stone Park, Ill.: Italian Cultural Center, 1978.

Verga, Giovanni. I Malvanoglia.Verona: Mondadori, 1952.

_____ The House by the Medlar Tree. New York: Signet. 1964.

_____ Maestro Don Gesualdo.Verona: Mondadori, 1952

_____ Maestro Don Gesualdo.Translated by D. H. Lawrence. New York: Grove Press, 1955.

_____ Little Novels of Sicily.Translated by D. H. Lawrence. New York: Grove Press, 1953.

_____ The She Wolf. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1958.

_____ Tutte Le Novelle. Milan: Mondadori, 1940.

Vittorini, Elio. Conversazione in Sicilia. Milan: Bompiani, 1962.

_____ Diario in Pubblico.Torino: Bompiani, 1976.

_____ Erica e i Suoi Fratelli.Milan: Bompiano, 1956.

_____ In Sicily. New York: New Directions, 1949.

_____ Le Donne di Messina,Milan: Bompiani, 1949.

_____ Uomini e no. Milan: Bompiani, 1945.

_____ A Vittorini Omnibus.New York: New Directions, 1960.

_____ Women of Messina. New York: New Directions, 1973.

Vivante, Arturo. A Goodly Babe. Boston: Little Brown, 1959.

_____ Doctor Giovanni, Boston: Little Brown, 1959.

_____ Run to the Waterfall.New York: Scribners, 1965.


Volume I     --    Ethnicity in American Political Life: The Italian American Case.  Edited by Salvatore I. LaGumina (1968) pp. 36.  Out of Print.

Volume 2    --    The Italian American Novel.  Edited by John M. Cammett (1969) pp. 35.

Volume 3    --    An Inquiry into Organized Crime.  Edited by Luciano J. Iorizzo (1970) pp. 87.  Out of Print.

Volume 4    --    Power and Class: The Italian American Experience Today.  Edited by Frances X. Femminella (1971) pp. 58.

Volume 5    --    Italian American Radicalism: Old World Origins and New World Developments.  Edited by Rudolph J. Vecoli (1972) pp. 80.

Volume 6    --    The Religious Experience of Italian Americans.  Edited by Silvano Tomasi (1973) pp. 133.

Volume 7    --    The Interaction of Italians and Jews in America.  Edited by Jean Scarpaci (1974) pp. 117.

Volume 8    --   The Urban Experience of Italian Americans.  Edited by Pat Gallo (1975) pp. 177.

Volume 9    --    The United States and Italy: The First Two Hundred Years.  Edited by Humbert Nelli (1976) pp. 242.  Out of Print.

Volume 10   --    The Italian Immigrant Woman an North America.  Edited by Betty Boyd Caroli, Robert F. Harney, and Lydio F. Tomasi (1977) pp. 386.

Volume I I    --    Pane e Lavoro: The Italian American Working Class.  Edited by George E. Pozzetta (1978) pp. 176.

Volume 12    --    Italian Americans in the Professions. Edited by Remigio, U. Pane, with an Introduction by Giovanni Schiavo (1983) pp. 290.

Volume 13    --    The Family and Community Life of Italian Americans.  Edited by Richard N. Juliani (1983) pp. 191.

Volume 14    --    Italian Immigrants in Rural and Small Town America.  Edited by Rudolph J. Vecoli (1987) pp. 204.

Volume 15    --    The Italian Americans Through the Generations: The First One Hundred Years.  Edited by Rocco Caporale (1986) pp. 263.

Volume 16    --    The Interaction of Italians and Irish in the United States.  Edited by Francis X. Femminella, with an Introduction by Geno Baroni (1985) pp. 308,

Volume 17    --    Italian Americans: Struggle and Support.  Edited by Joseph L. Tropea, James E. Miller, and Cheryl Beattie Repetti (1986) pp. 312.

Volume I8    --    The Melting Pot and Beyond: Italian Americans in the Year 2000.  Edited by Jerome Krase and William Egelman (1987) pp. 318

Volume 19    --    Italian Americans: The Search for a Usable Past.  Edited by Richard N. Juliani and Philip V. Cannistraro (1989) pp. 304.

Volume 20    --    Italian Ethnics: Their Languages, Literature and Life.  Edited by Dominic Candeloro, Fred Gardaphe, and Paolo Giordano (1990) pp. 478.

Volume 21    --    Italian Americans in Transition. Edited by Joseph Scelsa, Salvatore J. LaGumina, and Lydio F. Tomasi (1990) pp. 283.

Volume 22    --    Italian Americans Celebrate Life.  Edited by Paola A. Sensi Isolani and Anthony Julian Tamburri (1990) pp. 180.

Volume 23    --    A Century of Italian Immigration, 1890-1990.  Edited by Harral Landry (1994) pp. 250.

Volume 24    --    Italian Americans and Their Public and Private Life.  Edited by Frank J. Cavaioli, Angela Danzi, and Salvatore J. LaGumina (1993) pp. 240.

Volume 25    --    New Explorations in Italian American Studies.  Edited by Richard N. Juliani and Sandra P. Juliani (1994) pp. 246.

Volume 26    --    Italian Americans in a Multicultural Society.  Edited by Jerome Krase and Judith N. DeSena (1994) pp. 302

Volume 27    --    Through the Looking Glass.  Edited by Mary Jo Bona and Anthony Julian Tamburri (1996) pp. 344.

Volume 28    --    Industry, Technology, Labor, and the Italian American Communities.  Edited by Mario Aste, Jerome Krase, Louise Napolitano-Carman, and Janet E. Worrall (1997) pp. 294.

Volume 29    --    A Tavola: Food, Tradition and Community Among Italian Americans.  Edited by Edvige Giunta and Samuel J. Patti (1998) pp. 140.

Volume 30    --    Shades of Black and White.  Edited by Dan Ashyk, Fred Gadarphe, and Anthony Julian Tamburri, (1999) pp. 150


Senate Documents, 61st Congress, 2nd Session, Vol. 76.


The Daily Picayune, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Fra Noi, Chicago.

Giornale di Sicilia.

Italian-Arnerican Digest,New Orleans, Louisiana.

The Mascot. New Orleans, Louisiana.

The New York Times, June 18,1892.

Notizie Dall'Italia, Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli.

OSIA News, Worcester, Massachusetts.

II Progresso, New York.

La Repubblica, Rome, Italy.

La Tiibuna del Popolo, Detroit, Michigan.


Arba Sicula, Brooklyn, New York.

Ambassador, National Italian American Foundation.

Attenzione, New York.

Il Caffe, International Journal of the Italian American Experience, San Francisco. Columbus: Countdown 1992.

Italian Americana, SUNY Buffalo, New York.

Malgrado Tutto, Periodico Cittadino Di Commento e Cultura, Racalmuto, Sicilia.

Nuovi Quaderni del Meridone.

I Siciliani, Giuseppe Fava, ed., Palermo, 1984.

Via (Voices in Italian Americana). Purdue University.


This essay was developed as a part of the effort of The Albany (NY) Area Lodge of The Sons of Italy to make available material that will develop an appreciation and understanding of The Italy-to-USA Avventura. Nevertheless, the writers of this essay and other text found on this world wide web site claim sole responsibility for the content of their productions.


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. The author, Jim Mancuso died on June 10th, 2005. We maintain this site in memory of all the things that he did for us.

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